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ASSOCIATES Research and Consultancy
Opening Telecom and Technology Opportunities worldwide
3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Suite 1308 Washington,
20008 Phone (202) 362-5139
Hellerstein & Associates is a research consultancy specializing in opening
up telecom and technology opportunities worldwide. It provides strategy,
advisory, and technical assistance consulting on legislation, regulatory
reform, regulatory capacity building, Internet Governance, e-government
assessment, convergence and its impact on regulatory frameworks,
Intellectual Property, e-Commerce and e-Transactions, standards, and in
evaluation & assessment of the broadband marketplace to private sector
companies, foreign governments and multilateral organizations.
Hellerstein & Associates' consultants have extensive experience in the
trade and standards issues, broadband, regulatory reform and
liberalization projects, broadband and e-Government strategies, Internet
Governance, regulatory capacity building, convergence and its impact on
regulatory frameworks, Intellectual Property issues to companies and
Governments in both developed and developing countries, in particular in
emerging, transitional, and post-conflict countries. H&A staff have
participated and/or organized in workshops on Trade and Standards policy,
competition policy, liberalization, convergence, the impact of disruptive
technologies, and broadband policy issues for regulators and other
high-level government officials in the US, Asia, Caribbean, Africa, Europe
and the Caucuses, and Latin America.
The geographic experience of H&A is extensive, covering the Caribbean,
Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Caucuses, and Asia. Hellerstein &
Associates' consultants have provided technical assistance on
privatizations, liberalizations, telecom, technology, regulatory capacity
building, and e-Government projects to companies and Governments in both
developed and developing countries, in particular in emerging,
transitional, and post-conflict countries. Clients have included the
Government of the Bahamas, Annenberg School of Communications, the US
Trade Development Agency, the World Bank, and other multilateral
institutions. More information about Hellerstein & Associates can be found
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Bios of all Associates
Description of Services
- ICT, Telecom, and E-Government Policy Analysis & Strategies
- Telecom Policy, Legislation, and Regulation Analysis
- Next Generation Technology Strategies
- Regulatory Impact Analysis
- Comprehensive Training and Capacity Building for Regulators,
Ministries, and Operators
- Privatization and Regulatory Reform
- Capacity Building
- Economic, Financial, and Feasibility Analysis
- Reform of telecom and broadcasting regulatory frameworks in
transitional economies Licensing frameworks, criteria, practices
- Spectrum management and authorization frameworks
- Performance Measurement, Benchmarking, and Evaluation
- Municipal Operations Analysis
- Proposal Preparation and Advanced Communications and Writing
- Strong Organizational & Planning Skills
- Strategy and Advice Consulting
- E-Government, Policy, Strategy, and Market Assessments
- Program Analysis & Management
- Market and Technology Assessments
- Research Papers and Reports with special expertise on
Telecommunications, Broadband Access, Content Delivery, Network
Infrastructure, and Wireless
- Technology Assessments
Judith Hellerstein, the principal, is the Founder and CEO of Hellerstein & Associates,, a research consultancy specializing in opening up
telecom and technology opportunities worldwide. Judith has over thirty
years experience in developing policies, regulations, building regulatory
capacity, strategy development, broadband build out, e-Government
assessment, regulatory reform, competition law, and on Internet Governance
issues having worked on several high profile projects while she was at the
International Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission, MCI
Communications, and Former Vice President Gores Reinventing Government
office before founding her firm. Judith has advised regulators,
Governments, international organizations and commercial and non-profit
clients around the world on the adoption of telecommunications laws and
policies that best promote competition and the development of the ICT
sector, including market and regulatory reforms. She conducts research and
analysis on Internet Governance, tracking of Internet policy issues, ICT
regulations, cloud computing, smart cities, broadband deployment, ICT
policy development, mainstreaming ICT, cybercrime, and on competition
policy issues. She has also designed and developed tools for sector
assessments and e-government assessments.
Judith is the Chair of the At-Large Technology Task Force within ICANN and
an active participant of the Cross Community Working Groups on Internet
Governance and Auction Proceeds. Judith has worked with actors across
stakeholder groups in the Internet ecosystem to develop and manage
Internet-related projects and campaigns. She helps clients keep current on
states of affair across the many areas that Internet Governance and Policy
issues are debated and discussed, monitoring & tracking developments,
providing analysis, and intervening if desired.
Judith was a member of the US Delegation to the ITUs 2014 and the upcoming
2018 Plenipotentiary Conference, where she was an active participant on
the Internet Public Policy, Cybersecurity, and World Summit on Information
Services (WSIS) working groups, writing, developing, and contributing to
talking points, resolutions and other motions. Since 2105, Judith has also
been a member of the US Delegation to the ITUs Council Working Groups on
International Internet Public Policy and WSIS. Judith is an expert on
broadband buildout and deployment and Internet Governance, with experience
in Cybercrime as well. Additionally she was appointed to the US State
Departments International Telecom Advisory Council and has worked with
representatives of US Government Agencies, private sector companies and
others in Industry to help draft US position papers, resolutions, and
proposals for the ITU (WCIT, WTDC, WSIS, Study Groups on Internet Public
Policy, Plenipotentiary), regional telecom forums, e.g., CITEL, and other
related telecom forums. She is very familiar with ITU's interconnection
regulations and standards as well as with ITU Study Groups, ITU regional
initiatives, WSIS Action Lines, and WTDC Resolutions and other groups in
the ITU-D & T Sectors.
Over the past eight years Judith has worked with several African,
Caribbean, South American and Central and East Asian Countries on
developing new ICT and e-Government laws and policies, reviewing and
amending old laws, providing regulatory and policy capacity building,
developing, researching and evaluating ICT policy and egovernment service
delivery projects. She has worked with actors across stakeholder groups in
the Internet ecosystem to develop and manage Internet-related projects and
campaigns. She has extensive experience with multistakeholder approaches
to governance and other policy issues and also has strong research,
writing, and analysis expertise.
Over the past eight years she has worked with several West African,
Caribbean, European, Central and East Asian Countries on developing new
ICT and e-Government laws, reviewing and amending old laws, developing ICT
policies, and providing regulatory and policy capacity building.
Judith has vast experience in coordinating projects from inception to
completion, including coordinating inputs from the World Bank, from other
consultancies, academicians, practitioners, Governments, and subject
experts. She has been Project Manager/Coordinator for several projects and
has strong organizational, problem-solving, and planning expertise and is
also experienced in leading projects requiring strong interpersonal skills
for planning, gaining cooperation, making decisions, and consensus
building. She has the ability to work flexibly on a range of assignments,
and adjust and prioritize a variety of complex tasks.
Ms. Hellerstein founded Hellerstein & Associates in 1997 as an
international consulting firm focusing on emerging markets and developing
countries and has a Masters in Public Administration from the Columbia
Universitys School of International and Public Affairs in New York City,
where she focused on International Management.
UN & ITU Organizations Chosen by the US Government to be a
member of the
International Telecom Advisory Council (ITAC). US Delegation member for
the 2014 & 2018 ITU Plenipotentiary and the 2014-2018 ITU Council Working
Group on
Public Policy. Author of Broadband buildout and Cyber Crime White papers
for US Delegation. Active participant of US Governments preparatory
working groups which develop, plan, and write the US Governments
deliverables to various UN Fora, such as ITU Council, Council Working
Groups, WSIS, CSTD, CITEL, Working Groups within the ITU-D, and UNESCO.
Perform tracking and monitoring of Internet Policy issues.
Internet Society Provides consulting service to the
Policy Development team on Internet Governance, policy development, and
with monitoring, tracking, and analysis of Internet Policy and Internet
Governance issues. Developed, wrote, and analyzed the 2015 Internet
Governance Report using data gained from the 2015 Internet Governance
Commercial Law Development Program, US Department of
Commerce (2012-2016) Judith Hellerstein, planned & developed a
two-day program prior
to the
IGF and recruited experts on copyright, intellectual property, Internet
Freedom, Internet Governance, and cyber risk assessment for a 10 member
delegation of regulators and ministry officials from Iraq (November 2012)
in Baku, Azerbaijan (IGF 2012). At the 2014 IGF, I developed a similar
training program for 8 Afghans and Iraqi Ministry Officials and NGO
Representatives. Attendees in 2015 were all high-level Ministry
Officials or Telecom Regulators who then created action plans to take
back to implement. 2016 Attendees are also high-level officials and
will attend the IGF in Mexico.
TIPPEE, Gabon- 2016-2017
H&A was a prime on this project, she co-lead a team of seven
consultants to provide technical
assistance to the Ministry of Economy and Digital Computer (MENP), the
Regulatory Authority (ARCEP), and the National Agency for Digital
Infrastructure and Frequencies (ANINF) on developing a national broadband
strategy for Gabon and an operational plan in place to increase the
coverage of broadband and to develop a knowledge economy. Surveyed:
Current digital infrastructure;
- Current e-government programs and services;
- Current and potential applications for broadband in Gabon;
- Identified the types of applications that can monetize the
development of broadband infrastructure and improve the quality and
coverage of services; and
- Developed a digital spatial plan serving as a repository for the
Government and private investors;
- Stabilized Legal and Regulatory Framework
USTDA Pre-Feasibility Studies/Desk Studies in Developing and
Countries -
Translated complicated proposal and plans into simple language for
senior executives
- Project coordination and Management responsibilities
- Assessed projects risks, its financial viability, the extent of
political/ social/organizational support, potential sources of financing,
the potential US exports resulting from the project, and the capability
and experience of the projects sponsors.
- Assessed, analyzed, designed, and evaluated alternative studies or
activities for USTDA consideration; identified implementation risks and
appropriate mitigation measures; and prepared terms of reference and
budgets for proposed feasibility studies
Argentina (2017-2018) : H&A led a team to develop 2 ICT focused
studies analyzing the viability of ICT, broadband networks, data-centers,
and Smart Cities projects for USTDA funding. Created detailed Terms of
Reference and budgets for proposed studies. Assessed feasible technologies
for last and middle mile infrastructure deployments, including identifying
new, low-cost technologies that might replace current infrastructure.
The States of Bahia, Sao Paulo, Goias, Pernambuco, and Paraba in Brazil
(2016): Led a team to develop six ICT focused pre-feasibility studies
these states analyzing the viability of ICT, broadband networks and
business models, data-centers, increasing citizen-centered services,
e-Government and Smart Cities projects for USTDA funding. Created detailed
Terms of Reference and budgets for proposed studies. Assessed feasible
technologies for last and middle mile infrastructure deployments,
including identifying new, low-cost technologies that might replace
current infrastructure.
The States of Rio Grade Do Sol, Tocantins, Sergipe, Para, Santa
& Rio de Janeiro in Brazil (2014): H&A led a team to develop five ICT
pre-feasibility studies in these states analyzing the viability of ICT,
broadband networks, data-centers, e-Government, citizen-centered services,
and Internet of Things projects for USTDA funding. Created detailed Terms
of Reference and budgets for proposed studies.
Vietnam (2013): Technical Review of the USTDA financed feasibility
to create a Data and Cloud Computing Center for VNG in Vietnam.
Vietnam (2013): Developed four ICT focused pre-feasibility studies
analyzing the viability of ICT or USTDA funding in Hanoi, Vietnam
IBI International: IBI implemented the USAID Governance and
Management Support Program (GEMS), which was a five-year technical
assistance program to improve performance through strengthening public
sector capacity in Liberia. Judith Hellerstein of H&A, worked as an
Communications consultant to develop a communications strategy and
resources to enable all stakeholders to participate and help implement the
GoLs e-Government strategy, which focused on developing citizen-centered
services in all sectors.
Identified, categorized and profiled stakeholder audiences
- Drafted an awareness and education strategy on GoLs ICT and
e-Government plans and e-Government plans and supported implementation and
participation of stakeholders in the strategy
- Developed communication materials to promote the vision,
objectives and targets of the ICT and e-Government strategy & to support
implementation and participation of stakeholders in the strategy
Infodev- Support for Broadband Competitiveness Program in Eastern
South Caucasus and Central Asia (Annenberg School of
H&A was hired to develop and write a diagnostic and analysis on
broadband and
e-Government deployment in the Western CIS countries. Developed a
curriculum and conducted training of public officials and students on ICT,
e-Government, leadership skills, ICT Policy and institutional development,
cyber crime, spectrum policy, open access, broadband deployment and other
policy issues.
Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Sierra Leone
In 2011-2013, H&A was a prime on this project and led a
team of five consultants to:
Develop a series of regulatory instruments to assess the
current legal and regulatory actions needed to ensure open and
non-discriminatory access to cable landing and other international gateway
Advise NATCOM on the granting of licenses, interconnection,
access rules, and of declaring SALCAB as having market power
Advise and assist NATCOM to develop appropriate facilities
leasing regulations, prepare the regulations, and consult on the
regulations so as to require SALCAB to share its facilities
Worked as part of a team to ensure and support efforts to
operationalize SALCAB, advising SALCAB on the necessary regulatory
instruments (e.g. license, interconnection agreements, capacity sale/lease
agreements) to enable it to effectively operate the landing station and to
distribute capacity on open access terms
Worked closely with other consultants and financial advisors as
well as the consultants working on the design and structure of
International Finance Corporation (Millennium International)
Privatization of MoldTelecom
Part of a team that provided technical assistance in 2011 to the IFC in
their effort to privatize MoldTelecom.
Led the Legal/ Regulatory team, which provided a detailed overview
of the telecommunications regulatory framework in Moldova. Identified the
necessary changes to be made in an effort to privatize MoldTelecom.
Performed an analysis of ANRCETI as the independent Public Body that
regulates national electronic communications market.
Evaluated and analyzed the non-competitive practices in the sector
Reviewed the privatization law and preparation of legal road map
to close a transaction considering different political scenarios.
OECS Regional Electronic Government Unit (REGU), OECS Secretariat
H&A was a prime on this World Bank financed project and provided technical
assistance to the
OECS countries in 2010-2011 to
harmonize their legal and regulatory frameworks for electronic
transactions, trade, electronic payment, E-Filing, cybercrime, and cyber
Performed a Gap Analysis and drafted electronic transactions and
digital signatures; privacy and data protection; cyber crime; cyber
security; interception of communications; freedom of information laws
following WTO & UNCTAD best practices;
Provided capacity building and training to staff in OECS countries
on ICT laws and implementation.
Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Lao PDR
H&A was a prime on this World Bank Project and provided technical
assistance to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce
(MoIC) in 2010-2011 to assess the institutional, legal and regulatory
framework for Technical Barriers to Trade in the Lao PDR with regard to
WTO compliance and effectiveness in enabling a market economic system.
Strengthen rule of law, governance and investment climate through
an improved regulatory framework,
Develop an action plan for reform and capacity building, and
Provide training and capacity building to agencies and
Ministry of Post and Telecom, Government of Burkina Faso (USTDA
H&A was the Legal and Regulatory lead to design a national fiber
backbone for
Burkina Faso.
Reviewed existing ICT regulatory framework and policies within
Burkina Faso in accordance with WTO, US, and EU Best Practices
Prepared a detailed overview of the licensing, interconnection,
and trade, competition frameworks and suggested ways of adapting these
frameworks to meet the challenges of convergence and disruptive
technologies and their impact on the network and recommended additional
provisions to Burkina Fasos current legal/regulatory framework
Recommended templates to create a converged/unified/ licensing
regime and suggested an appropriate model for unified licenses.
Reviewed best practices in licensing, convergence, and competition
policies to encourage broadband build out into remote rural areas
Conducted interviews of various Government officials and industry
stakeholders & presented initial findings to Government Ministers
Reviewed the existing interconnection cost models used and
recommended a specific type of cost model for Burkina Faso.
World Bank, Global ICT Policy Division: Multi-sector Regulatory Agency
H&A was the prime on this World Bank Project and Led a team of five
multi-national consultants in 2008 to provide a
first level assessment, analysis, & evaluation of the performance of MSRAs
in Senegal, Niger, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, and the Gambia.
Developed and wrote a study focusing on the key impediments &
barriers faced by regulatory agencies. Study focused on the effectiveness
of the current regulatory & institutional model and the role of governance
in the performance of the MSR.
Developed an updated international benchmark highlighting regional
differences and lessons learned for these five countries.
Developed an analytical/ data/ evaluation tool for an on-site
Responsible for planning, managing, & coordinating project;
developed project schedules; provided basic support logistics for all
consultants to ensure a smooth running of the project.
Presented results of the findings and reports to World Bank
World Bank, Global ICT Policy Division
Consultant for work on telecom, trade, competition & ICT issues in
post-conflict countries, focusing on impact of convergence, editing
concept notes, revising policy documents, and working with Senior
Government Officials.
The National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL):
H&A was a prime on this World Bank Project and led a team of five
multi-national consultants in 2005 to develop
and write ICT policy and strategy documents, including: detailed goals, an
action plan to achieve these goals, and a regulatory framework for the
Performed a detailed & diagnostic analysis of the telecom sector
in Liberia; formulated strategies to improve competition, trade, &
competitiveness, and maximized the pro-competitive contribution of public
Recommended best practices in licensing, competition, and
convergence policies to encourage broadband build out into remote rural
Held a successful one-day workshop where the national policy
issues were actively debated and discussed among Government officials,
industry, other stakeholders, and donors.
Briefed and made presentations to high-level foreign government
officials on critical technical matters
Responsible for planning, managing, & coordinating project;
developed project schedules for the entire team; provided basic support
logistics for all consultants to ensure a smooth running of the project.
The Ministry of Finance, Government of the Bahamas:
H&A assisted the Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited (BTC) to
re-evaluate and realign their core business segments and internal
processes into a more efficient and competitive operator.
Developed a regulatory strategy and policy to support BTCs overall
business objectives and recommended additional provisions to current
legal/regulatory framework, specifically in the areas of licensing,
competition, and convergence
Conducted a comprehensive review, analysis & assessment of the
impact of IP telephony & other IP-enabled services on regulation,
interconnection, universal service & telecom services.
Worked closely with senior government officials on ICT strategy,
policy and regulatory capacity building.
Conducted interviews of various Government officials and industry
Briefed & made presentations to high-level Bahamian government
Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecommunicaciones
Salvador H&A was a subcontractor of this USYDA financed
project and asembled a team to do the following:
Assessed the state of competition in the domestic telecom market
Analyzed pricing data and interconnection regimes & implemented
measures to increase the regulators oversight authority over
anti-competitive behavior in the market place,
Created & implemented a customer service and consumer protection
Recommended additional provisions to current legal/regulatory
framework, specifically in the areas of licensing, competition, and
Worked closely with staff to strengthen regulatory capacity &
provided recommendations on the likely impact of IP & other technologies
on the market.
Briefed & made presentations to high-level US government officials
& industry stakeholders
Conducted a two day training seminar on Convergence for SIGET
Officials; translated complex subjects into simpler more understandable
USTDA Pre-Feasibility Studies/Desk Study
H&A was the prime on these USTDA Financed projects and led the following
Translated complicated proposal and plans into simple language for
senior executives
Assessed projects risks, its financial viability, the extent of
political/ social/organizational support, potential sources of financing,
the potential US exports resulting from the project, and the capability
and experience of the projects sponsors.
Assessed, analyzed, designed, and evaluated alternative studies or
activities for USTDA consideration; identified implementation risks and
appropriate mitigation measures; and prepared terms of reference and
budgets for proposed feasibility studies
The States of Rio Grade Do Sol, Tocantins, Sergipe, Para, Santa
& Rio de Janeiro in Brazil (2014): Led a team to develop five ICT
pre-feasibility studies in these states analyzing the viability of ICT,
broadband networks, data-centers, e-Government and Internet of Things
projects for USTDA funding.
Vietnam (2013): Technical Review of the USTDA financed
feasibility study
to create a Data and Cloud Computing Center for VNG in Vietnam.
Vietnam (2013): Developed four ICT focused pre-feasibility
analyzing the viability of ICT or USTDA funding in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Vietnam (2012): Desk Study analysis & assessment of a Data and
Computing Center. Developed & wrote Terms of Reference, Budget, calculated
export potential & development impact for project. USTDA approved the
grant for this project following our recommendations. USTDA Approve the
Middle East (2011): Desk Study analysis & assessment of an ICT
project within the Palestinian Authority. Project to define the strategy,
implementation roadmap and tender process for a state-of-the-art
communications system. USTDA approved the grant for this project following
our recommendations.
Vietnam (2010): Developed four pre-feasibility studies
analyzing the
viability of ICT and e-Government projects for USTDA funding in Hanoi,
The States of Rio De Janeiro and Brasilia, Government of Brazil
Led a team to develop a Broadband Fiber Network for the State of Acre, a
Multi-sector Technology Park in Brasilia & an e-government study trip for
Mayors of the States of Rio de Janeiro & Espirito Santo. USTDA approved
grants for all three projects following our recommendations.
The State of Minas Gerais, Government of Brazil (2008): Led a
develop & construct a modern data center under a public-private
partnership. USTDA approved the grant for this project following our
recommendations and have issued an RFP for the Study.
The States of So Paulo and Cear, Government of Brazil (2006):
Led a
to develop a modern data center in Cear, So Paulo, & to structure
public-private partnerships projects for So Paulo. USTDA approved the
grant for these two studies based on our recommendations.
Developed, organized, coordinated, and conducted a US orientation
and training visit for 15 high-level Kyrgyz government officials.
Developed three parallel tracks to offer the officials more individual and
personalized training and capacity building. Coordinated the translators
for each of the three tracks. Organized individual appointments for senior
US Government officials who did not need translators.
Kyrgyz Republic: Provided basic support logistics for all
consultants to
ensure a smooth running of the project. Published final report on the
success of the workshops and the visit. Provided technical assistance to
the Kyrgyz Republic on E-Government strategy and policy issues; Evaluated
existing E-Government policies and directives; prepared strategic
E-Government action plan for 2003-2008; and identified strategic partners
and sources of financing;
Market Research / Analysis / Strategy Consulting
CenturyTel & TPC Consulting:
Helped CenturyTel better identify and target potential customers
and markets.
Conducted marketing and segmentation analysis for new service
Performed market segmentation analysis for NewPath (a former CLEC)
to target markets through customer profiling and demographic analysis.
Market research led directly to NewPaths receipt of venture capital
Performed Quantitative and qualitative analysis for market
Pillsbury, Winthrop Shaw Pittman:
Provided technical due diligence on infrastructure projects
including quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Provided financial and market analysis on the broadband market for
use as evidence in a lawsuit.
International Engineering Consortium: Author of two
broadband access research reports, two highly acclaimed white papers and
speaker at many IEC conferences.
"Global Indigenous Fellowship: Including new voices to
internet policy dialogues within ICANN", Rightscon 2018
"History of Internet
Governance", North American School of Internet Governance, 2018,
IGF 2015-2018, Spoke on panels involving trade, competition,
accessibility policy and standards, Digital Rights,
IGF-USA 2015-2018, Organizer and developed of panels on access,
connectivity issues to Broadband and economic opportunities
"Overcoming ICT failures in Post Conflict Countries", World Bank FCV
Summit, 2016
"The Impact of Convergence on the Regulatory Framework", "Top 10
Issues in
ICT", "Developing Incentives to Increase & Expand Broadband Access", IP3,
December, 2010, December 2011
"Top Ten issues in Telecommunications" & "The Impact of Convergence on the
Regulatory Framework", Next Generation Issues in Telecommunications
Regulation, Infrastructure Regulation Series, IP3 December 8, 2009
"The Impact of Convergence on the Regulatory Framework", Public Utility
Research Center/World Bank International Training Program, Gainesville FL,
January 2008
"National ICT Policy Formulation in Liberia" Georgia
of Technology's E-Liberia Vision 2006, ICTs for Development in Liberia,
September 2006.
"Fundamentals of DSL Technology and Applications," SuperCom 2002, Atlanta, June 2002
Panelist on two
panels, "Fundamentals of Broadband Access," and "Fundamentals of Wireless
Access," National Communication's Forum, International Engineering
Consortium, October 2000
"Future of DSL," DSLCon Fall,
September 2000 Panelist, "xDSL Fundamentals," xDSL CommForum,
International Engineering Consortium, July 1999
Developed panel on
municipal telecom issues at the International City/County Management
Association's Annual conference, "Paving the Information Highway:
Innovative Approaches to Municipal Telecommunications Management," October
"Towards a Common Transportation Policy," at the
European Community Studies Association's Biennial International
Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, May 1995
"International Transportation: European Issues," State University of New
York Maritime College's Transportation Management Conference, New York,
May 1995
- Academy for Educational Development
- The World Bank
- InfoDev
- The IFC
- National Transitional Government of Liberia (World Bank GICT CITPO)
- The Government of the Bahamas
- US Trade Development Agency
- Annenberg School of Communications
- IBI International
- The Strategis Group
- International Engineering Consortium
- Internet Society
- TPC Consulting
- Corvis
- Teligent
- Pillsbury, Madison, & Sutro
- CenturyTel
- New Paradigm Resources Group
- Insight Research Corporation
- Schwab Washington Research Group
- United States Telephone Association
- Northern Business Information, a division of Dataquest (a Gartner
Group subsidiary)
- Communications Industry Researchers
- Telecom Publishing Group, a divison of Warren Publications
- International City/County Management Association
- Commercial Internet Exchange Association
Copyright 1998-2018 Hellerstein &
Associates Please send your questions or
comments to judith at jhellerstein dot com, Hellerstein &
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